for piano and electronics
3' 30"
The piece was premiered on the very day of the 135th anniversary of the birth of Karol Szymanowski — in the evening of the 3rd of October 2017 in the villa "Atma" — the composer's residence in the heart of the Polish Tatra Mountains. There, in 1935 (or shortly before), Szymanowski was recorded playing his own Mazurka (op. 50 no. 13). This archival recording, interesting in regard to modern temperament — suspended between d flat and c (Mazurka itself modulates from the D flat major to the C major then) — became a vinyl canvas for my miniature… Covered by the thick layer of noise, reinstated to the context of the place, animated throughout the touch of the instrument — it can interfuse once again into the reality… just to finally remain a vinyl recording.

p r e m i e r e
3th October 2017, Zakopane, Poland
Muzeum Karola Szymanowskiego Willa "Atma"
Krzysztof Augustyn
f o l l o w i n g
27th October 2017, Louisville, USA
University of Louisville
Electronic & Visual Art. Recital
Paweł Siek
17th May 2018, Kraków, Poland
Piwnica Pod Baranami
Festival of Science and the Arts
Paweł Siek
15th June 2018, Stalowa Wola, Poland
Młodzi Muzycy Młodemu Miastu
– Festiwal Wspomnieniowy
Paweł Siek