...the skies would be frozen, if they were not hi-cut filtered
for double bass and electronics
6' 00"
Once upon a time the harmonies of the winter used to "tremble from cold in the icy snow"*… In Kraków, Poland, 2017, those faded away and the smog completely darkened the sky. Frosted harmonics of the vivaldian instrument, artificially modified by the electronics, touch upon the aesthetics of the altered winter. Smog, which had already covered the city, now settles down slowly on the anti-pollution masks of the passersby, on their smartphones with the anti-smog apps and on the four strings of the double bass…
*Antonio Vivaldi — Four Seasons, Winter (Sonnet)

p r e m i e r e
29th March 2017, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Philharmonic Hall
Kontrasty Festival
double bass
Nazar Stets
f o l l o w i n g
30th 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine
Concert Hall of Goethe-Institute
Kontrasty Festival
double bass
Nazar Stets
27th October 2017, Louisville, USA
University of Louisville
Electronic & Visual Art. Recital
double bass
Ian Michael Elmore
7th November 2017, Louisville, USA
University of Louisville
New Music Festival Louisville
double bass
Ian Michael Elmore
11th March 2018, Kraków, Poland
Academy of Music in Kraków
Elementi 6
double bass
Łukasz Madej